But we have a new team member join us please welcome Amanda and we here at Sparkles are looking forward to working with her.
$10:00 voucher £10 voucher exc P&P 5 digi's
Anything Goes Blog Hop
You must hop to each of the design team members blogs and leave them a comment
We will then choose 1 winner from the comments left on each of the DTs blogs and check that you have hopped to them all and finally linked back here.
That's it Simples !!!.
If you should get lost along the way here is a list of the DT's blogs you should visit and thier fabulous projects well done Team x
then hop back here to leave your link with the blue frog.
Don't forget you can make any type of craft but it must be new work and for Christmas.
Please hop back Feb 29th to see who all our lucky winners and top 3 are