Halloween treat? Or trick?

I spent the whole day inside my photo blind trying to get a shot of the thrush with a grape.

The one time I saw it come in for a grape it happened so fast all I got a photo of was the grapes. That was around 11 AM. Then it didn't return anymore, maybe because it figured out that I was inside the blind. Don't know. I saw it in a tree at 4 PM and never saw it again. I feel certain if it hadn't left, it would have come within view of the grapes anyway. So, I'm thinking my orange and black Halloween bird left on the 13th day of  his visit. At least it isn't Friday.

Or maybe it'll be here tomorrow. I know I'm not going to sit in the blind waiting for it to show up ever again. Had all that I want. Cramped and staring out a slit. 

A pair of Northern Flickers showed up today.